by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Oct 3, 2018 | California cannabis, California cannabis business permits, California Cannabis Institute, California cannabis permits
When setting up a legal cannabis business in California, many of the barriers that candidates face is at the local level. It is not easy to obtain California cannabis business permits due to the restrictions and legal requirements that have been put in place. One... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Sep 21, 2018 | California cannabis, California cannabis business permits, California cannabis permits, California permits
Operating a legal cannabis business in a state like California is a great idea. If you are successful in obtaining California cannabis business permits, you will be able to enter a lucrative industry and take advantage of the various opportunities that are available... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Dec 22, 2017 | Cannabis distribution license, Cannabis distribution permits, Cannabis license
Many individuals want to join cannabis industry either to open up a medical dispensary or a cultivation business. They demand for cannabis by general public has sky rocketed after the legalization of cannabis in 33 states. Which is why many entrepreneurs see this as a... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Nov 10, 2017 | Cannabis dispensary permits, Cannabis distribution, Cannabis distribution permits, Cannabis permits
Cannabis has become a lucrative business around the country. Currently, there are 33 states which have legalized the use of cannabis either for medical reasons or for recreational purposes. The legalization has seen really positive response from the community and... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Oct 6, 2017 | Cannabis distribution, Cannabis distribution permits
Getting into the cannabis industry is a dream for many people, which can only come true for few people. In order to keep the industry regulated heavily, the government is allowing only a limited number of businesses to be set up in the country. It is quite difficult...