by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Mar 16, 2018 | marijuana business, marijuana education, Marijuana online education, Medical marijuana education, Online marijuana education
Some people have been considering starting a marijuana business, and they are not familiar with the steps that need to be taken to be able to get a role in the industry. So also, they do not have the required knowledge about the industry that will be able to sustain... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Apr 7, 2017 | Marijuana courses, marijuana education, Marijuana Expo, Marijuana Seminars, Medical Marijuana courses, Medical Marijuana Seminars
Sale of marijuana is not permitted in the country and individuals who are found in possession of marijuana are likely to be convicted. But recently, many states have passed bills which will allow legalization of marijuana for medicinal use. This means that only... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Aug 17, 2015 | Cannabis courses, Marijuana courses, Medical Marijuana courses, Pot courses, Weed courses
Taking up a course in cannabis is perhaps the best way to become knowledgeable in the field. Doing a cannabis business is not easy because there are so many things to know and keep in mind. There are strict laws and the legal requirements are also too much. You may... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Aug 10, 2015 | Cannabis courses, Marijuana courses, Medical Marijuana courses, Pot courses, Weed courses
Are you looking to start a cannabis business? There are many people out there who have the resources, capital and intellect to start a weed business, but they don’t have enough information on where to start from. So if you are also like those people, then you must...