by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Sep 22, 2018 | California business permits, California cannabis business permits, Cannabis business, Cannabis business law, Cannabis license, Cannabis permits
Since the legalization of cannabis in California, the state has enacted numerous laws to regulate cultivation, possession, distribution and use of the substance. As long as activities related to cannabis adhere to the guidelines that have been set out, cannabis is... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Nov 10, 2017 | Cannabis dispensary permits, Cannabis distribution, Cannabis distribution permits, Cannabis permits
Cannabis has become a lucrative business around the country. Currently, there are 33 states which have legalized the use of cannabis either for medical reasons or for recreational purposes. The legalization has seen really positive response from the community and... by FTG MANAGEMENT GROUP | Aug 25, 2017 | Cannabis business permits, Cannabis dispensary, Cannabis dispensary permits, Cannabis permits, Dispensary Cannabis, Dispensary permits
Looking to obtain cannabis dispensary permits and start your own legal cannabis business? The process is not as easy as it may appear on the surface so it is important that you know everything about the industry and its challenges before you get started. Before you...